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A New Paradigm in Treatment Options for
Women's Mental & Reproductive Health

Rx | natural | unique | bioactive | small gel cap | once-daily

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What is EnBrace HR?

EnBrace HR is a prescription folate supplement created for women of all ages to meet their unique nutritional requirements for a normal, healthy lifestyle.

EnBrace HR contains clinically recommended vitamin coenzymes, mineral cofactors, and omegas needed to normalize uterine and CNS intracellular methylation for normal mental and reproductive clinical outcomes. EnBrace HR contains the most diverse natural folates, with an FDA equivalency of 15 mg of DFE.  

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New Patient Discount
Try 60 days of EnBrace HR for only $60 
Prescribe below or call us at 985-629-5825

Marlene Freeman, MD

A clinical study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital in conjunction with Harvard University 


Associate Director of Women's Mental Health, Mass General Hospital

Editor in Chief for the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University

Meet Dr. Dixon
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Andrew Farah, MD

Published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
330 Adult Patient, Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study


Dr. Andrew Farah was named "Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association" in 2015 for his teaching, research, and his original contributions to the field.  He is widely regarded as an expert on the "homocysteine theory of depression". He was former Chief of Psychiatry at the High Point Division of the University of North Carolina and is currently Associate Program Director at Cone Behavioral Health in Greensboro, NC.

©2023 Jaymac Pharmaceuticals LLC. 

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